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Medical Anthropology

Healthcare Communication

Hugman, B
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Healthcare Communication

Product Description

This is a training manual on communication for healthcare professionals. This text is a practical training manual on communication and how to establish sound, professional, practical, rewarding relationships which will support effective therapy and enhance patient health and morale. General chapters are included on effective communication and developing communication skills and then more focused chapters contain the specifics of dealing with, for example, complaints, critical care, death and dying, grieving relatives and then also written communication, personal communication such as presentations, application and interview techniques. The book aims to be interactive and engaging, as all communication should be with the use of exercises, space for reader comments and questions and a range of observational projects and training exercises. The content throughout is related to healthcare situations, with examples and case studies and references are made to nursing, pharmacy and medicine t

ISBN 9780853697497Edition 01Binding Paper